Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Swiss Days: A Yearly Tradish

One wonderful fall day in September 2008 Malinda aka my mom and I went to the awe-inspiring festival that is Swiss Days. Shortly after visiting Swiss Days we {meaning I} decided to make it a yearly tradish.

Since my first glorious encounter with Swiss Days I have found my love to only grow into a true passion for the yearly event celebrating the founding of Midway, Utah by the Swiss. I look forward to it and plan for it months in advance. It is a Swiss inspired playground for old and young alike who enjoy jewelry, quilting, metal statues of elk, kitchy house wares photography of families dressed alike, children's costumes, cutting boards in the shapes of pigs, soap with things in it, Swiss singers and dancers- in legit costumes and all and my personal favorite the "Swiss Royalty." I'm not really sure what the point is but these girls just do their Swiss thing.

There is also an outstanding display of Swiss based food. This includes Swiss scones, Swiss sandwiches, Swiss Ice, or as you common people know it as snow cones, Swiss water and SWISS NUTS!

This brings me to the ultimate part of the Swiss experience: the Swiss Nuts sign. Our first visit to Swiss Days my mom and I thought it would be clever to take a picture under the Swiss Nuts sign. Get it? Because we are nuts about the Swiss!

Year 1: 2008

This is after many attempts to get the sign in the background. Malinda is a little crazy-eyed but this was the best we got. Notice my hair. It was hot so I pulled it up. Cute.

Year 2: 2009

Shea Whitney joined us this year. UNFORTUNATELY the Swiss nuts sign wasn't there so some nice lady took a picture of us. On the bus. Once again, it was hot this year. I may have fainted under the band stand's shade.

Year 3: 2010

Malinda's religion is showing and I have somewhat of a grimace- it was hot and I just needed a Swiss Ice, but we were reunited with our sign so all was well at Swiss Days.

This segues me to my final thoughts about Swiss Days. In case you didn't catch it, it is bloody hot. It's the kind of hot that I might kill someone because I'm mad it's so hot. Every year Malinda laughs at me and asks why I put myself through sweating out my weight in Swiss Gatorade but I do it because I love it. I love the Swiss food and Swiss entertainment and Swiss goods. I wouldn't trade looking through all of the Swiss booths and eating Swiss carmel apples with Swiss Malinda for anything. Not even skipping the Swiss dehydration and Swiss heat stroke part.

Here's to Swiss Days 2011!

Also look at this word:


It means beautiful. But when I see it I think of a pterodactyl.


Sunday, September 12, 2010

Cold Tangerines

"I want a life that sizzles and pops and makes me laugh out loud. And I don’t want to get to the end, or to tomorrow, even, and realize that my life is a collection of meetings and pop cans and errands and receipts and dirty dishes. I want to eat cold tangerines, and sing out loud in the car with the windows open, and wear pink shoes, and stay up all night laughing, and paint my walls the exact color of the sky right now. I want to sleep hard on clean white sheets, and throw parties, and eat ripe tomatoes, and read books so good they make me jump up and down."

Shauna Niequist

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Dear Reader,

I am moving to France. In ten days. It's happening.

I am excited and nervous and tired just thinking about it and over emotional {I literally started crying about chocolate. While I was texting Jenna. Because I was telling her how much I love it. I may be losing it.} and I'm ready to go but not ready to leave.

Ron: One person couldn't feel all of that, they'd explode.
Hermione: Just because you've got the emotional range of a teaspoon doesn't mean we all have.

I think my emotional range is the size of the Black Lake {Harry Potter reference. Try to keep up, yeah?}.

Maybe once I know where I'm living I'll be okay. I'd rather not have to peddle the streets of Paris like Esmerelda in Notre Dame, living in the Metro station making friends with the pigeons and goats.

Whatever these are legit fears.

I'll keep you updated. In the meantime I will be reading Harry Potter, eating chocolate chip cookies and napping.